Team members
Charles Cook
Team lead
Operations & Marketing
Joe Martin
Product Marketer
Andy Vandervell
Content Marketer
Ian Vanagas
Technical Content Marketer
Increase the number of ICP visitors to our website
Q1 2023 Goals
- Nail our marketing engine.
Key Results:
- Increase overall weekly website traffic to 20k unique visitors per week (filtering out viral spikes).
- Increase ‘first user in org’ signups to 500 per week without decreasing the percentage that are ICPs (typically 20-25%).
- Get 80 signups each week to say they first heard about us from any of YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
- Get 20% of the W23 YC batch to sign up for the YC deal - estimate this will be approx. 50 companies.
- Last quarter we tried a lot of experimental stuff. Some of these things are quite promising, others are not. We should now do a better job at the things we know are working and take them from amateur hour to slick.
- Trying a new channel. Working on community. Working with developer influencers.
Slack channel
What we're building
Check out the company roadmap to see what we're working on next!